Sanrai Med INDIA

Up and About with Ease—easing mobility for seniors with Drive DeVilbiss

Post-retirement years are often considered the best time of our lives—referred to as the golden years. With more free time on their hands, the elderly spend an increasing amount of time with friends and family. However, advancing age comes with its own set of problems for the elderly, including problems with hearing, moving, seeing and other issues that may severely impact their mobility and independence.

The impact of age on senior health

A recent report by the CDC stated that over 30% of adults have some disability, and nearly 1 in 4 have more than one—making it difficult for them to lead an independent, fulfilling life. Additionally, over 13% have problems walking or climbing stairs, 10% cannot remember or make decisions quickly, 6% have deafness or are hard of hearing, 4% are visually impaired, and nearly 4% need help dressing or bathing. With 2 in 5 adults 65 and over needing assistance in some way or the other, senior health is a rising concern worldwide—and requires them to get care or assistance in some way or the other.

Risks the elderly are exposed to with advancing age

Nearly 35% of the elderly over 70 and a vast majority of those over 85 are at significant risk of limited mobility, lower quality of life, or even death due to falls, lack of neuromuscular coordination, and other risk factors impacting the elderly. Research has proven that limited physical activity or independence has a significant negative impact on health and is responsible for many chronic diseases. Most people over 65 do not meet the recommended physical activity levels for healthy ageing. 

How can mobility aids help the elderly?

Mobility aids go a long way in ensuring that seniors can successfully reduce the impact of limited mobility on their lives. Here’s how mobility solutions help the elderly lead a safer and more comfortable life:

  1. Increased social contact

Mobility products such as wheelchairs, rollators and scooters help the elderly maintain a healthy social life. This goes a long way in improving their mental and physical health, which is vital for their well-being and helps in healthier ageing.

  1. Better mobility at home

Walkers, canes, and crutches help the elderly safely get up and move across rooms or around the house, giving them the confidence to be independent and safe at the same time.

  1. Better self-care

Being able to go to the toilet or take a shower independently and regularly boosts the emotional well-being of the elderly. They no longer feel confined to their bed or wheelchair and feel in control of their lives.

  1. Sitting down and getting up safely

Grab handles and raised chairs or toilet seats help the elderly get up and sit down safely. This goes a long way in ensuring that they do not fall in the washroom or their room and gives them a sense of independence.

  1. Dressing and pressure sores

Pressure sores are a significant problem for those who are bedridden. Pressure-relieving mattresses ensure that they can avoid pressure sores and lie comfortably for extended periods. Additionally, dressing aids such as dressing sticks and grabbers can help them get dressed in bed or easily grab items close to them.

Sanrai and Drive DeVilbiss—helping seniors lead a better, healthier life

Innovative products from companies such as Sanrai can help the elderly and those with disabilities lead independent lives. Sanrai has a wide range of products from companies such as Drive DeVilbiss that can help the elderly get up and about, have a better social life, maintain personal hygiene, and perform everyday tasks easily.

Final Thoughts

With their advancing age and reduced mobility, seniors need our help, love and care more than ever. Ensuring their safety and improving their social contact must be our priority to improve their physical, social and emotional well-being. Remember, it is essential to ensure healthy ageing rather than longevity. Take care!

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