Five things you must know about mobility, arthritis, and independence
Arthritis is possibly the most common cause of impaired mobility around the world. Affecting nearly 350 million people worldwide, 1 in 4 adults have arthritis daily. Although arthritis is considered to be a disease of the elderly, the statistics of the disease beg to differ. 25% of people between the ages of 45-65 have arthritis, and the disease affects women much more than men, as they are three times more likely to get arthritis than men.
What is arthritis?
Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints in your body. This inflammation causes pain and stiffness that may worsen with age. Arthritis can be of different types, with different causes such as joint wear and tear, infections and disease. Common symptoms of arthritis include pain, swelling, reduced range of motion and joint stiffness. Arthritis is widespread, with over 350 million people worldwide affected by it. Although there is no cure for arthritis, you can improve your quality of life with medication, physiotherapy or surgery.
How can assistive devices help you live better with arthritis?
Assistive devices don’t just help you get up and about, they also ensure that you can lead an independent, happy life. Choosing the correct device for your needs is important as the wrong device can make it difficult for you to perform chores and cause injuries. Here are some tips to help you choose the right device for your needs:
Choosing the right cane
Those with arthritis have very different needs from those buying a cane for balance. Arthritis can make holding a cane difficult and the wrong cane can do more harm than good. Canes for arthritis patients must be adjustable to accommodate different shoes they wear, provide stability, and reduce pain associated with walking.
Selecting the best scooter for mobility
A mobility scooter can help you get from point A to B and give you independence like never before. However, understand that it is important to make an informed buying decision. Know if the scooter will be easy to move around the office, home, and store with. Prioritize comfort over everything else and see if you need a light or heavy-duty device.
Choosing a walker
Walkers and rollators are the simplest walking aids for those suffering from arthritis. Ensure that you choose the right size and can walk better with it. Rollators have integrated brakes, so ensure that you can use them with confidence for better control.
Wheelchairs – the same size does not fit everyone
Those who use a wheelchair typically spend a lot of time in it. Ensure that you get one that suits all your needs, including hygiene, mobility and comfort and is high-quality.
Assistive devices in the bathroom
A feeling of independence when using the bathroom is essential to instil confidence in arthritis patients. Grab handles, shower chairs, toilet seat risers, extended handle tools, and other assistive devices can help you with your daily toileting needs.
How can Sanrai help those who have arthritis?
Sanrai brings the best mobility solutions from around the world to your doorstep. With assistive mobility devices from innovative international manufacturers such as Drive DeVilbiss, you can ensure that all your mobility needs are met confidently. Drive DeVilbiss manufactures a complete range of world-class mobility solutions with your specific needs in mind. From canes to rollators, wheelchairs, walkers, shower chairs, grab handles, transfer chairs and more, Drive DeVilbiss mobility has everything mobility under one roof. Brought to you in India by Sanrai Solutions, Drive DeVilbiss is your one-stop solution for everything mobility.
Final Thoughts
Arthritis is a debilitating disease which impairs mobility and walking. It is much easier to perform routine tasks such as getting up from the bed, getting up and about, dressing, going to the store and talking that evening walk with friends and family. Finding the right mobility aids is essential to ensure that you can move about confidently and live life to the fullest.