What a Breast Pump Is and How to Use One
Breast milk is a typical standard for providing nutrition to infants. The World Health Organization (WHO) advises exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months for an infant's optimal growth, development, and health.
However, breastfeeding is not always easy for every mother - many women find it painful, inconvenient, and difficult for plenty of reasons.
About 70 per cent of Indian mothers have difficulties breastfeeding.
Innovative solutions like a breast pump help countless mothers breastfeed without experiencing difficulties. According to a study, about 85% of mothers use a pump for breastfeeding their kids. A breast pump proves to be an ideal alternative for working mothers or mothers with breastfeeding difficulties.
Pumping helps infants receive more breast milk and allows the mother and child to continue breastfeeding for an extended period. Mothers can have a full-time career and breastfeed regularly.
Here is a simple guide to using a breast pump for beginners:
What is a breast pump?
A breast pump is an electric or manual device used to extract breast milk. The pump contains a funnel that’s placed over the breast, and a bottle to collect the pumped milk.
The pump works by generating suction pressure imitating a child's sucking movement to trigger your milk flow. Then the milk is expressed and collected in the bottle.
What are the types of breast pumps?
There are 2 types of breast pumps: electric and manual
A manual breast pump does not require power. This breast pump is hand-operated and used for one breast at a time. Manual pumps are affordable and usually light and compact to use, making them an ideal choice for mothers.
An electric breast pump runs using batteries or electricity. The breast pump uses a motor to generate the suction. This breast pump comes in models that allow for single or simultaneous double breast milk expression. Electric pumps are very convenient for mothers who express milk regularly or work long shifts.
How to Use a Manual Pump?
Before using the breast pump, wash and sterilize each part carefully. Next, wash your hands and find yourself in a comfortable place where you can relax and pump.
Step 1: Attach the funnel to your breast, making sure it's centered over your nipple. Squeeze the lever to create suction.
Step 2: Begin pumping. It might take a few minutes for your milk to start pouring into the bottle. Start with quick, gentle squeezes just like a baby to stimulate the flow of your milk.
Switch to deeper and slower squeezes to keep the milk flowing. This imitates the natural way your baby feeds and may help you pump more milk faster. If you're having trouble getting the milk out, massage the breast with your other hand.
It is normal for one breast to produce more milk than the other. If you have any concerns about your baby's feedings, speak with a medical professional or your doctor.
How to Use an Electric Breast Pump?
Step 1: To begin using an electric pump, lay the funnel on your breast and align it with your nipples in the tube. Make sure the funnel fits correctly to maintain a good seal, then gently but firmly depress the funnel against your breast.
Step 2: Hold one funnel in place with one hand, while the other hand positions the opposite funnel if double pumping.
Step 3: Hold the bottles in position with one arm and hand, while switching on the device with the other. Begin with a higher speed and a low suction to initiate the flow of your milk.
Step 4: Once the milk starts to flow, reduce the speed and gradually build up the suction. Keep an eye on the flow of your milk while you're pumping. If you notice it decelerating, try to speed up the pace again to see if this increases the flow
Continue pumping for a while until the milk stops expressing. As your baby grows, the amount of milk you collect from each pumping session will vary and change.
We want you and your baby to have all you need to be healthier. Whether you are looking for an electric or manual breast pump, Sanrai can meet your needs. Using either breast pump ensures you are giving your baby the best start in life by feeding them breastmilk! We empower new mums with convenience, trust, and comfort by providing a premium quality breast pump.