Sanrai Med INDIA

Winters, breastfeeding, and supermoms

Winters are a challenging time for newborns and mothers alike. As the cold weather sets in, it brings many problems for both mothers and babies and can be a time of distress for them. Lactating mothers face many challenges that mothers with older children do not and must battle through them to ensure that they can take care of their baby throughout this season.

Although breastfeeding is a fundamental part of a mother’s life, the process itself is pretty complex. You must figure out how to help your baby latch onto your breast successfully and ensure that they are fed in time and enough to help them get the nourishment they need while they grow—especially during winters.

Working mothers face more problems than stay-at-home moms as they must stay away from their babies for nearly nine hours and ensure they are well-fed. For those mothers who must travel, they must deal with a host of issues and the problem of being unable to feed their baby with nourishing mother’s milk. 

What are the benefits of breast milk during winter?

Although breastfeeding is the best way to ensure proper nutrition for newborns at every time of the year, it is essential to ensure that you continue to provide your baby with nourishing breast milk during the winter season. Here’s why:

  1. Breastfeeding helps to ward off the flu

Winter is a flu season, and breastfeeding helps keep the flu at bay for babies. It is OK for you to feed your child even if you are unwell. Additionally, breast milk has all the energy and antibodies your baby needs to get better faster.

  1. Breastfeeding helps to keep the baby feel warm and protected

You cannot ignore the psychological benefits of breastfeeding. Breastfed babies feel safe and secure even when it’s cold, helping them better adapt to the changing weather conditions.

  1. Breast milk boosts your child’s immunity

Your breast milk has specific antibodies and nutrients to help your child stay safe during the winter. These nutrients and antibodies will reduce the chances of contracting the flu and ensure your baby stays healthy.

  1. Breastfeeding helps proper brain development

A polyunsaturated fatty acid found in breast milk called DHA or Docosahexaenoic acid helps to develop baby brains better.

  1. Breastfeeding helps to ward off the ill effects of artificial sugars

Infant Formula contains artificial flavours and sugar that can expose your baby to the risk of diabetes. Ensuring that your baby is fed mother’s milk will reduce the chances of contracting diabetes and other such diseases.

Why is breastfeeding challenging during winter?   

Winters are distressing times for both mother and baby. The weather and how our skin and food intake change during this season impact our breastfeeding decisions. Here are some common problems mothers face during winter:

  1. Sore or cracked nipples

The dry winter air can cause cracked nipples more often than usual, leading to infections such as thrush. A Lanolin-based nipple cream such as DTF’s Fisio Lan can help you relieve cracked nipples faster. It is safe for both mother and baby with zero additives, preservatives, or perfume. However, please ensure you visit your healthcare provider if you have an infection.

  1. Inverted nipples

Inverted or flat nipples can cause problems with breastfeeding, as babies might not be able to latch onto them properly. If manual stimulation does not work or if your nipple is truly flat or inverted, you can use Kitett’s FISIO electric breast pump to draw out an inverted nipple. Additionally, if drawing out is not always successful, the breast pump will help you express your milk so you can feed your baby easily.

  1. Engorged breasts

Engorged breasts are painful and can cause an increase in breast size, swelling, tightness and pain. Also, engorged breasts can be problematic for babies to latch on to. Using Kitett breast pumps such as the Kitett FISIO electric breast pump can help to relieve engorgement and reduce pain while making it easy for the baby to latch and breastfeed.

  1. Blocked milk ducts and Mastitis

Blocked milk ducts occur due to continued breast engorgement. The best way to relieve this is to continue breastfeeding until the blockage is relieved. If your baby cannot feed, you can use an electric breast pump from Kitett to ensure that the blockage of the duct is relieved as soon as possible. As always, ensure that you contact your healthcare provider if you feel unwell or the pump does not help you relieve the symptoms.

  1. Back pain

Mothers often suffer back pain during breastfeeding and are advised to stay away from painkillers and instead use physical therapy to relieve pain. Using a TENS therapy device can help relieve back pain using a drug-free method. Hollywog’s WiTouch Pro is a discreet TENS therapy device that will ensure that you can feed your baby without worrying about harmful medication passing through breast milk.

How can Sanrai help mothers during this challenging time of the year?
Breastfeeding is an integral part of motherhood and is extremely essential for the well-being of both the mother and child. Led by women entrepreneurs, team Sanrai understands the problems mothers may face during the winters first-hand. Our wide range of breast pumps, breast shields, feeding bottles, milk transportation bags, nipple creams, and TENS-based back pain management devices will help you confidently feed your baby. We wish you all the best in your journey of motherhood and hope that you and your child will forge a stronger bond than ever.

Team Sanrai is always available for your assistance. We've got your back if you need product information, product assistance, spares, or warranty and after-sales support. Contact our service team here to learn how we can help you feed your baby better. Take care!

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