Everything You Must Know About BIPAP Devices
People with certain medical conditions have difficulty breathing.
Luckily, machines like a BiPAP help you breathe better. A Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure machine, or BiPAP, a term you must have heard from your doctor, is a device that helps to improve breathing.
What is a BiPAP and how does it work?
BiPAP is a form of non-invasive ventilation (NIV) therapy to help people breathe. BiPAP devices are both used in hospitals and also at home for patients in need. The BiPAP devices used at home are compact and portable. The machine consists of a tube attached to a mask placed over the nose and mouth. BiPAP machines work by using pressure to push air into the lungs of the person through a mask. Based on the setting, this process opens up their lungs, improving oxygen levels in the blood and reducing carbon dioxide.
These machines are referred to as bilevel due to their dual settings for air pressure:
When the person breathes in, BiPAP devices provide more air pressure. This process is also known as inspiratory positive airway pressure (IPAP).
When the person breathes out, the device reduces the air pressure. This process is called expiratory positive airway pressure. (EPAP).
Some BiPAP devices come with a backup timer designed to guarantee a certain number of breaths per minute.
Who needs BiPAP Machines?
BiPAP machines are helpful if you have trouble breathing. Here are some of the medical problems that can be treated with BiPAP devices:
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD)
Asthma flare-up
Obstructive Sleep apnea
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
Poor breathing after an operation
Neurological disease with breathing issues
BiPAP devices aren’t right for every patient. You should not use these devices if you have reduced consciousness or trouble swallowing. For situations like these, you might need a ventilator with a mechanical tube inserted down your throat. Or you can make use of a tracheostomy - a procedure that creates an airway in your windpipe.
Difference Between BiPAP And Other Breathing Devices
BiPAPs and CPAPs tend to be mixed up by people. Although these devices have a lot in common, they aren’t the same. The two devices provide positive air pressure (PAP) through a tabletop device connected to a tube and a mask. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is also another type of NIV. The principal difference between BiPAP and CPAP is that CPAP only offers a single air pressure setting.
Unlike BiPAP devices that deliver high air pressure when you breathe in, CPAP devices provide only the same amount of pressure at all times. The same continuous pressure is facilitated during both inhalation and exhalation, making exhaling difficult for few people.
For a few people with obstructive sleep apnea, CPAPs are the first treatment option. But a BiPAP becomes a great alternative when CPAP machines aren’t working or well tolerated. BiPAP machines provide a higher air pressure on inhalation and drop the pressure on exhalation. This feature makes the BiPAP machine more effective and comfortable for people with obstructive sleep apnea.
Sanrai provides high-quality BiPAP devices in India for improved breathing. Choose from a wide range of BiPAP devices from leading and reliable brands for your prescribed COPD treatment. With state-of-the-art technology, Sanrai BiPAP machines enable you to receive personalized ventilation with utmost comfort.