Medical devices, innovation and technology – the key to our longevity
Humanity has been on a perpetual quest for longevity since time immemorial. This quest led to applying available cutting-edge technology to medicine—helping humans live longer and healthier lives. Such has been the impact of technology and modern engineering on mankind that the life expectancy in countries like India has grown from a mere 32 years in 1947 to 70 years today. This staggering growth in our longevity results from applying modern technology to medicine and every other sphere of life.
Evolution of medical technology and devices over the years
Technology has spearheaded innovation in medicine since Mesolithic times. This can be seen in surgical knives, drills and saws made from flint used for surgery, amputation, and trepanation as early as 6000 BCE.
Improvement in the quality of life
Medieval times saw the invention of medical devices of daily use, such as spectacles by Roger Bacon in the late 1200s, the microscope in the late 1500s and many other devices during that time. Engineers were also tasked with reducing the size of medical devices, making them easy to transport and use by individuals.
The best example of such an instrument we use very often is the thermometer. The mercury-in-glass type thermometer was invented in 1714 by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, a Dutch-German-Polish inventor and instrument maker. This device set a precedent for portable medical devices that did not require patients to be confined to a hospital.
Cutting-edge technology to improve the lifespan of patients
Pacemakers were invented in 1950 by John Hopps in the USA, but these devices did not allow patients to go beyond the room they were installed in—limiting their use to hospitals. Additionally, these devices could not function without running electricity—rendering them useless in the case of power failures. Further advances in engineering resulted in the development of an initial wearable, battery-operated external pacemaker.
Portability, reliability and more
On October 8th, 1958, the first pacemaker implantation was performed in Sweden—making it possible for patients to lead a near-normal life with a device that was implanted inside their body. This was just the beginning of a new era of medical breakthroughs that would transform home medical care forever.
Breathing freely—almost everywhere
Oxygen therapy became mainstream after it was used on a pneumonia patient for the first time by Dr George Holtzapple in 1885, followed by the development of the gas mask in by John Scott Haldane in 1917 and portable oxygen cylinders in the 1950s. Until the 1970s, patients suffering from respiratory disorders could only go as far as their oxygen cylinders would let them. These cylinders were bulky and expensive, and patients needed a steady supply of cylinders to ensure continued oxygen therapy at home. The late 1970s saw the earliest oxygen concentrators from Union Carbide and Benedix corporation starting to hit the market. Oxygen therapy users could now use this device to get oxygen at home without worrying about running out. Although this improved their mobility around the home, they still needed cylinders to get around the house or travel.
Portability—now with every breath
In the 2000s, companies like Caire and Inogen introduced portable oxygen concentrators that relied on batteries to provide oxygen for up to 14 hours on the go, making it possible for patients with respiratory disease to lead a near-normal life. Today, innovative companies like Sanrai ensure that these devices are available worldwide, especially in emerging markets, to ensure healthcare equity.
Why get innovative medical devices from Sanrai?
Sanrai is an innovative global medical products manufacturer and distributor that has spent years bringing the gold standard of care to emerging countries. They believe that healthcare and diagnostics are everyone's rights and not a privilege for a chosen few.
Sanrai's 5-point solution envisions bringing healthcare equity to the masses by leveraging:
Innovative disruptive tech AI-enabled to promote early screening
Accurate diagnostics
Device-based therapeutic solutions
Better outcome management
24x7 support
Parting thoughts
Technology, innovation, and engineering have helped humans live longer, healthier and happier lives than ever before. These products and solutions have dramatically impacted the health of their users, making them an indispensable part of our lives. At Sanrai, we embrace the spirit of innovation by bringing the gold standard of healthcare to the masses worldwide—making the world a healthier place to live in for everyone!